Blog post by Koko Lotharukpong | October 2020

Asking for feedback is one of the best ways to improve your Personal Statement - but it’s also important to ask for feedback at the right time.

So, when is the right time?

Any feedback you receive before you’ve written the bulk of your essay probably won’t be effective, because it would mean your Personal Statement won’t be personal - it will be a compilation of other people’s opinions on what my Personal Statement should look like.

That’s why I chose to share my Personal Statement only after I’d come up with a strong idea of what I wanted mine to look like.

It’s equally important to make sure you choose the right people when you’re asking for feedback.

I asked five people to look over my Personal Statement: my Careers Counsellor, my cousin (who knew me well), an alumnus of my dream course and uni, and my best friends. I chose people who knew me well, and also knew the application process well, so that I would receive feedback that was targeted and constructive.

So, I would recommend you to really think about what you hope to gain from feedback - this will help you decide when you think your Personal Statement will be ready for feedback!

Here’s some perspectives from other UniGlo executive members:

Hopefully, with these different perspectives, you’ll have more confidence when deciding to ask others for feedback! Good luck.